Become an Instructor Become an Instructor

At DEFT & LEED, we feel individuals can acquire specialized skills most effectively from seasoned professionals who can motivate them with their passion and experience.

That is why we seek professionals to work with our training institute either on a full-time or part-time basis, or periodically offering lectures, workshops, and masterclasses in their respective fields.

If you have contemplated sharing your skills with appreciative students but have had no platform to do so, please contact us via this form.

Let’s get you involved!

Become Instructor
Have you had experience training or teaching this topic?
Send us your professional profile ( CV, Portfolio, Work Samples, etc. )
Maximum upload size: 3MB

Kindly allow a few days for us to contact you to discuss training possibilities. Please note that if we add your proposed course to the DEFT & LEED offerings, we will require a NOC from your organization.